Living Library

Living Legacies Mission Statement includes the goals:

  • to increase people’s appreciation of their own lives and the lives of every other living thing on the planet,


  • to create a culture of life celebration.

Towards these goals The Living Library publishes and retails books which encourage people to live happier, fuller, more responsible lives.

Living Legacies: A family funeral handbook for an evergreen worldThe first book to be published by the Living Library is: Living Legacies: A family funeral handbook for an evergreen world by Lynda Hannah, a manual for those who want to know how to arrange an environmentally responsible funeral with or without a funeral director.

We also publish a range of bereavement cards.

Please click on the title for more information…

Living Legacies: A family funeral handbook for an evergreen world

Living Legacies has a human sales system, rather than an electronic shopping cart.

To order more than one book, or for orders outside New Zealand, please email for postage costs.

Please watch this space as more resources become available….

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