A little book about Growing

A picture book for children and adults growing up in a democratic school

by Lynda Hannah


A Little Book About GrowingNothing to do with death or dying, this is a book about life and living! The story, lavishly illustrated with 22 full colour photographs, is about living, learning and letting go from the perspective of children and adults at a small co-operative democratic community school near Motueka.

“A little book about growing” was written by Lynda Hannah to mark the occasion of her son leaving Mountain Valley School and starting High School after five years of democratic education. At Christmas 2003 it was presented to the school as a “thank you” gift, and to her son as a souvenir of his time at Mountain Valley. Then the rest of the school community wanted a copy each and orders flowed in from not just the Motueka area, but from as far afield as Britain, Holland and Israel!

Due to popular demand this book is now available in paperback form for $25 or a limited edition handbound hardback for $40.

Price – $25 including p&p paperback