. New Zealand's Natural Funeral Company Thu, 07 Sep 2017 19:14:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.4.10
Living Legacies side
./living-legacies-side/ ./living-legacies-side/#respond Tue, 02 Mar 2010 03:29:31 +0000
?I don?t want to achieve immortality
through my work.
I want to achieve immortality
through not dying.
~ Woody Allen ~
?If I think more about death
than some other people,
it is probably because I love life
more than they do.?
~ Unknown ~
?Life is pleasant.
Death is peaceful.
It?s the transition that?s troublesome.?
~ Jimi Hendrix ~
?To live is to fly
both low and high.
So shake the dust off
of your wings
and the sleep out of your eyes.?
~ Townes Van Zandt ~
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Mission Statement
./mission-statement-q/ ./mission-statement-q/#respond Tue, 02 Mar 2010 03:13:08 +0000
?More precious than any fiery diamond
Is the flowering human heart
Opening like a poppy head
And like a poppy
~ Ruth Dallas ~
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Natural Burial Parks
./natural-burial-parks/ ./natural-burial-parks/#respond Tue, 07 Jul 2009 21:12:57 +0000
Less pollutive than cremation and not wasting valuable land like cemeteries, natural burial parks create forests from burial grounds. In Britain these are often called ?Woodland Burials? and in the USA, ?Memorial Nature Preserves?. (See our Linking Legacies page for more information.) In New Zealand we call them natural burial parks, or just ?green burials?.
Essentially they represent a way of burying our dead which uses the valuable nutrients in the body to establish new growth. They are also a way of remembering our loved ones by creating a sense of permanence in the form of a forest, where people can walk and remember those who are buried there.